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USA Income Statement

USA Income Statement.png

Consumer Confidence Index (CCI)

Consumer Confidence Index (CCI).png

Annual Deductitles vs. % of Covered Employees with >$2K Deductibles

Annual Deductitles vs. percentage of Covered Employees with more than $2K Deductibles.png

Annual Health Insurance Premiums vs. Employee Contribution

Annual Health Insurance Premiums vs. Employee Contribution.png

Average Home Size of USA, Japan, UK and South Korea

Average Home Size of USA, Japan, UK and South Korea.png

Population Density - Urban Areas of Advanced Economies

Population Density - Urban Areas of Advanced Economies.png

Relative Household Spending Since 1972

Relative Household Spending.png

Personal Saving Rate & Debt-to-Annual-Income Ratio Since 1968

Personal Saving Rate & Debt-to-Annual-Income Ratio.png

Emerging Market Stocks Are Trading Cheaply vs. U.S. Stocks

Emerging Market Stocks Are Trading Cheaply vs. U.S. Stocks.png

International Developed Market Equities Trading Cheaply vs. Long-Term Average and vs. U.S. Stocks

International Equity Markets Offer Better Valuation.png

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